General Assembly

First Committee

Committee Overview


Topic 1: Controlling Arms Trafficking in the Sahel

The Sahel region in Africa facilitates the trafficking of millions of dollars of firearms every year. Illegal sales of rifles, pistols, and cartridges happen across the region every day, going undetected and unchecked by the authorities. Most weapons are assault rifles with the ability to remain durable and in conflict for decades after they have been traded, fueling extremist violence, arming insurgencies, and exacerbating regional tensions and competition across the Sahel. Despite local and global initiatives to clamp down on arms trafficking, much more action is needed to eliminate the trade and stabilize affected areas.


Topic 2: Eliminating the Threat of Anti-Personnel and Anti-Vehicle Landmines

Though anti-personnel landmines are banned under the 1997 UN Mine Ban Convention, both anti-personnel and anti-vehicle mines continue to threaten communities worldwide every day. The majority of deaths and loss of limbs due to mines affect civilians in countries at peace. Currently, about 10 million mines are still waiting to be destroyed, and many areas of land are too unsafe to be used productively; mines restrict access to food, water, and humanitarian aid, isolating communities and slowing down economic development.




Berlin Conference