Meet our 2025 Secretariat!

Honorable delegates, I’m so excited to welcome you to HenryMUN session V! My name is Daryn Murphy, and I will be serving as your Secretary-General for this year’s conference. This year’s conference will take place on February 1st and 2nd, 2025, at Patrick Henry High School. We will be delving into topics ranging from the Yugoslav wars to eliminating child marriage, all hoping to broaden your horizons and help you grow as delegates. My amazing Secretariat carefully selected our three General Assembly committees, Specialized committee, and Crisis committee.  Their hard work and dedication have made this conference possible. The topics and committees selected are the result of our desire to spark meaningful and eye-opening debates for our delegates. I hope that HenryMUN provides you with an enriching experience, where you can put yourself out into debate, whether it's for the first time or for the hundredth time. Our staff and Secretariat all look forward to seeing your abilities in committee, and we hope to encourage you to step out of your comfort zone and grow as a delegate throughout our conference. When I’m not writing papers for MUN (this is my seventh year in the program), I enjoy going to the beach, baking, and painting! Along with this, I serve as one of the Co-Presidents of MUN club, and I am a captain of the Patrick Henry Swim Team. I spend most of my weekends volunteering at the hospital, and I love going out and spending time with my friends!

On behalf of the entire Patrick Henry Secretariat and Staff, it is my honor to welcome you to HenryMUN session V! We are so excited to serve on your behalf, see you in February!

Secretary-General: Daryn Murphy


Hello everyone! My name is Daniel Behne and it is a great pleasure to be serving as the Director-General for HenryMUN this year! I’m currently a senior at Patrick Henry High School and this is my 4th year being involved in Model UN after joining as a freshman. 

My first high school level MUN conference was in a GA committee at BruinMUN. It was an amazing experience, but very daunting. There were so many delegates and it was different from anything I had experienced before, so I felt like I was thrown in the deep end, expecting to learn everything on the fly. This is a notion that we hope to eliminate at HenryMUN, where we offer a college-level MUN experience to middle and high school students. Our more focused committees will give everyone a chance at participating and feeling noticed, and we hope you will learn more about the beautiful world of diplomacy without feeling overwhelmed.

After being on the Secretariat last year, I have loved seeing our conference grow, with all of the new delegates breaking out of their shells and practicing their diplomatic skills. I hope that this year you will be able to work alongside students from across the country and build lasting relationships.

When I am not running around and managing whatever MUN task that’s on my to-do list, you can often find me working out at my local gym,  learning new languages, or exploring different avenues of science. 

I can’t wait for this year’s conference and if you need help with anything don’t hesitate to email me at

Director-General: Daniel Behne


Under-Secretary-General for the General Assembly: Janet An


Hi everyone! My name is Janet An, and I am honored to be serving as your Under-Secretary-General for the General Assembly. I’ve been involved in MUN for the past 6 years, starting with the JMUN program at Lewis Middle School, and am now looking forward to closing out my senior year by compiling exciting and relevant GA committees for HenryMUN! Whether it’s researching child marriage, debating the implications of trade sanctions, or simply making new friends in the committee room, I hope everyone will find this year’s conference fun and meaningful. Outside of HMUN, I am also the SDRJMUN Secretary-General, and I work out, collect stickers, and take care of my plants in my free time. I look forward to seeing everyone at conference!

Under-Secretary-General for Specialized Agencies: Peyton Dailey-Ray


Hey guys, my name is Peyton Dailey-Ray and this year I'm serving as this year's USG for Specialized Agencies at HenryMUN 2025. This year we will have 2 committees; the Yugoslav wars for crisis and one specialized committee, the Berlin Conference. I'm currently a senior Patrick Henry and have participated in Model UN for over five years. My first time doing MUN was as a delegate for Colombia. Since then I've been to multiple conferences such as Triton MUN, Knights MUN and T&T MUN. Outside of MUN, I do Academic League where I'm the treasurer for the club. My favorite interests are history, fútbol, and reading. Anyways, I hope to see you guys for this year's conference. 

P.S, if you need to contact me about anything just email me at

Under-Secretary-General for Finance: Enrique de Castro


What's up delegates! My name is Enrique de Castro, and I will be serving as your Under-Secretary-General for Finance. Having served on last conference’s secretariat, it is my pleasure to return for another great year! My hope is that our conference can serve as not only an educational outlet, but a means to challenge yourself! Whether that be raising your placard for the first time, or joining a country bloc, I encourage you to step out of your comfort zone.  Outside of MUN, I like to write and play sports. I'm looking forward to a great conference!

Under-Secretary-General for External Relations: Emma Cunningham


Hey guys! I’m Emma Cunningham and I’m so excited to be serving as your Under-Secretary General for External Relations this year. I attended SDRJMUN 2022 and 2023 as well as NHSMUN 2023 and 2024. I can’t wait to interact with and prepare delegates for the upcoming conference. Outside of MUN, I play varsity soccer and tennis for Henry. I am also vice president of the Henry Student Wellness Education and Resources (SWEAR) club and a part of our district-wide committee. Please, if you have any questions, feel free to contact me at!